Friday, June 5, 2009

school killing creativity!!!

In the page Sir ken robinson gives a talk about the creativity inside schools, he said that the children's creativity in school is being killed by teachers and by adults in general. You know, he talks a very important problematics nowasdayas, and it is that in school and everywhere the creativity signaturas such as music, arts, so on. Are less important that literacy. And the questions is why? Why it is more important. He said that Children bornt with this ability of being creatives but if we don’t stimulate it it’s dissappear, and also the society don’t let anyone be wrong, by sir Robinson this is one of the most important stops of creativity, get prepared to be wrong. Thus, if we are nor prepared to be wrong never will invent something new, all the most important inventors failled more than once discovering something but they did not care about, they just failled and failled until they do it correctly.
I totally agree with Sir K. when I listened to this articule I was so happy that someone talks about this issue that mosto f the people forget “Let the children be” they are by nature creative, so, why stop them?
In Chile, parents don’t let Their children study arts or be musician or something related with that because they don’t think that their sons Could live being a famous artist or playing the guitar in pubs. They say that it’s a waste of time, and also in school happend that teacher don’t pretty like that someone else say something new, they don’t let the student do the things by their own because they are the teachers and what they say is right nothing else. And that’s wrong. We are nobody to say little Child “don’t paint the elephant blue because is grey” they are developing Their creativity just we have to leave them do it.

well thats all
here is the page where you can find this interestring talkç


  1. I agree with you Danniel. Can you re-read what you've written to see if you can find any things you could correct or say in a better way?


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